Susan Brownell Anthony

Leading Feminist Advocate

Victoria Woodhull Tennessee Celeste Claflin Cornelius Vanderbilt Reverend Henry Ward Beecher Elizabeth Cady Stanton Frederic Douglass J. P. Morgan Susan B. Anthony

Susan B AnthonyLifelong friend, stalwart supporter, and rumored lover of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony was one of the leading feminist advocates. In 1869 she co-founded the National Woman Suffrage Association with Stanton, which split the movement, ultimately delaying woman suffrage for decades.

Leading Feminist Advocate

Always pushing the limits, Anthony was arrested in 1872 in her hometown of Rochester, New York for voting. She was convicted in a highly publicized trial, the United States v. Susan B. Anthony. Anthony refused to pay fines, accepting the consequence of imprisonment over compliance with the court order. Federal authorities, buckling to public outrage, decided against any further legal action.

Anthony was a tireless proponent for abolition, social reform, and women’s rights, traveling across the nation and delivering a hundred speeches a year. The austere and demanding woman had few intimate friends except for Stanton who she met in 1851, and Anthony always had a room in Elizabeth’s houses until her death in 1902.

Outrageous; The Victoria Woodhull Saga Vol 1 Book Image

This debut novel won 12 literary awards. OUTRAGEOUS, traces an icon of Victorian American feminism, Victoria Woodhull from childhood poverty and horrific abuse to becoming one of the wealthiest women in America, founding the first woman-owned brokerage firm on Wall Street, and the first woman-owned newspaper. Victoria will stop at nothing to achieve her destiny.

Scandalous; The Victoria Woodhull Saga Vol 2 Book Image

Volume 2 of The Victoria Woodhull Saga brings Victorian America and the struggle of women to life. The facts amaze, audacity engages, lascivious adventures entertain, and the abuses of power render all of it Scandalous!

Scandalous has won 5 literary awards.

Neal Katz Awards

2016 Winner of three Gold Medals: IBPA Ben Franklin, Bill Fisher Award for Best First Book by a Publisher, the IPPY Award for Best Historical Fiction, and Gold Medal for Historical Fiction/Personage by Reader's Favorite. Other Awards: Finalist in the Historical Fiction category of the 2016 Next Generation Indie Book Awards, Second Place winner of the IndieReader Discovery Award for Best Fiction, Best New Fiction in the International Book Awards for 2016, Finalist in two categories Independent Author Network Book of the Year, Chantecleer Goethe Award Finalist, Shelf Unbound Notable 100, and one of IndieReader's Best Books of 2016.