Elizabeth Cady Stanton

The Firebrand of the Woman Rights Movement

Victoria Woodhull Tennessee Celeste Claflin Cornelius Vanderbilt Reverend Henry Ward Beecher Elizabeth Cady Stanton Frederic Douglass J. P. Morgan Susan B. Anthony

Elizabeth Cady StantonEarly suffrage movement leader, Stanton co-authored the Declaration of Sentiments, claiming equal rights and legal standing for women, as presented at the Seneca Falls Convention held in 1848. Stanton is often credited with organizing the first women’s rights and women’s suffrage movement in the United States.

Daniel Cady, Stanton’s father, was a prominent attorney who served one term in the United States Congress (1814–1817) and later became both a circuit court judge and, in 1847, a New York Supreme Court justice. Young Elizabeth enjoyed perusing her father’s law library and debating legal issues with his law clerks. Stanton learned how disproportionately the law favored men over women, particularly over married women. She realized that married women had virtually no rights: property, income, employment, or even custody rights over their own children. When Elizabeth told her father that she wanted to become an attorney, he told her the fate of her birth, being born a woman, precluded it.

The Firebrand of the Woman Rights Movement

Stanton along with Susan B. Anthony, her friend, fellow advocate, and some say lover, declined to support passage of the Fourteenth and the Fifteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution. Thus, she opposed giving added legal protection and voting rights to African American men while women, black and white, were denied those same rights. This led to the formation of two separate women’s rights organizations. The schism delayed female suffrage for almost fifty years.

Stanton died in 1902 having authored both The Woman’s Bible (challenging the notion of female subservience in religious orthodoxy) and her autobiography Eighty Years and More, the definitive record of the early suffrage movement, along with many articles and pamphlets concerning female suffrage and women’s rights.

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This debut novel won 12 literary awards. OUTRAGEOUS, traces an icon of Victorian American feminism, Victoria Woodhull from childhood poverty and horrific abuse to becoming one of the wealthiest women in America, founding the first woman-owned brokerage firm on Wall Street, and the first woman-owned newspaper. Victoria will stop at nothing to achieve her destiny.

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Volume 2 of The Victoria Woodhull Saga brings Victorian America and the struggle of women to life. The facts amaze, audacity engages, lascivious adventures entertain, and the abuses of power render all of it Scandalous!

Scandalous has won 5 literary awards.

Neal Katz Awards

2016 Winner of three Gold Medals: IBPA Ben Franklin, Bill Fisher Award for Best First Book by a Publisher, the IPPY Award for Best Historical Fiction, and Gold Medal for Historical Fiction/Personage by Reader's Favorite. Other Awards: Finalist in the Historical Fiction category of the 2016 Next Generation Indie Book Awards, Second Place winner of the IndieReader Discovery Award for Best Fiction, Best New Fiction in the International Book Awards for 2016, Finalist in two categories Independent Author Network Book of the Year, Chantecleer Goethe Award Finalist, Shelf Unbound Notable 100, and one of IndieReader's Best Books of 2016.